Category Archives: Theater



Dates: Oct 17-27, 2019 (see full schedule below)
Tickets: Pay What You Can, $10-$20
Age Recommendation: Recommended for ages 8+.
The play touches upon themes of race, trauma and sex.
Patron discretion advised.
Duration: 60 mins. No intermission.

SOLD OUT: Tickets to all remaining performances are sold out.

Fri, Oct 25 at 7:30pm,
Sat, Oct 26 at 2:00pm
Sat, Oct 26 at 7:30pm
Sun, Oct 27 at 2:00pm

Written, performed and produced by Julia Gay
Sound design and score composition by Eric M. C. Gonzalez
Lighting design by Mike Wangen
Presented as a part of Dreamland Arts’ Theaterwalla program

Adopted from China in 1996 and raised by a single mother, Julia Gay grew up shaped by an interconnected web of maternal guidance, love and loss. Through poetry, memoir and movement, she honors the women in her life. Join Julia as she journeys from China to the US and, at last, rediscovers her motherland.

Thu, Oct 17 at 7:30p (Preview)
Fri, Oct 18 at 7:30p (Opening)
Sat, Oct 19 at 2:00p
Sat, Oct 19 at 7:30p (ASL)
Sun, Oct 20 at 2:00p*

Fri, Oct 25 at 7:30p*
Sat, Oct 26 at 2:00p
Sat, Oct 26 at 7:30p
Sun, Oct 27 at 2:00p (Closing)

*A brief post-show discussion will follow the performance.

motherlanded premiered at Pangea World Theater in May 2016 as part of their Lake Street Arts! Emerging Artist Showcase, with the support of Director/Dramaturg Sun Mee Chomet and Mentor/Advisor Harry Waters Jr. Julia is honored to be remounting her show as a part of Dreamland Arts’ Theaterwalla program, a pilot program that supports the art of solo theater by writer/performers who create their own work.

Julia Gay is an actor, dancer, playwright, stand-up comedian and teaching artist. She completed her BA at Macalester College, studying American studies, urban studies, and theatre. Julia was the recipient of the Playwrights’ Center’s (PWC) 2017-18 Many Voices Mentorship and is currently a PWC Affiliated Writer. This is her fourth season with St. Paul-based professional dance company, Ananya Dance Theatre (ADT), training, performing, and touring in the contemporary Indian dance form of Yorchha. As an actor, Julia has worked with the CornerHouse, Guthrie Theater, Mixed Blood Theater, Pangea World Theater, Penumbra Theatre, Pillsbury House + Theatre, the Playwrights’ Center, and Transatlantic Love Affair, among others. Learn more at

Dr. Deep

Dr. Deep – “Life Sucks, But I’m Cool With It”

Note: Dr. Deep’s newest lecture (2021) is “At a Time Like This.”

Dates: Aug 3-11, 2019 as a part of the Minnesota Fringe Festival
Location: Dreamland Arts (an Independent Venue for the Fringe)
Tickets: $14
Ages: Recommended for those slightly jaded and older.
Duration: 60 minutes. No intermission.

Video of Dr. Deep at MN Fringe Preview

Dr. Deep: “Life Sucks, But I’m Cool With It”
A lecture on happiness and Ultimate Liberation Philosophy

In this hilarious lecture, accompanied by a tongue in cheek slideshow, the brilliant Dr. Deep takes apart our obsession with happiness and provides his unique insights into how modern day psychology and neuroscience have helped make the concept of happiness into a multi-billion dollar industry. With this lecture, Dr. Deep, the founder of Ultimate Liberation Philosophy, continues his examination of the intersection of science, spirituality and nonsense.

About Dr. Deep
Dr. Deep is a fictional character, and “Life Sucks, But I’m Cool With It” is a one-man satirical play written and performed by theater artist Zaraawar Mistry, with recorded music by Greg Herriges. Learn more about Dr. Deep. And Get a Dr. Deep Bobblehead.

Dr. Deep’s first lecture (2015), titled “Shake Your Noggin Like a Bobblehead,” premiered at Dreamland Arts and was presented during Illusion Theater’s Fresh Ink series and at the Minnesota Fringe Festival.

“Rarely has such absolute drivel been delivered with such sly panache.” Read the full review in the Star Tribune by Lisa Brock

“If laughter truly is the best medicine, Dr. Deep might just prove a therapeutic treatment for humor-deprived psyches.” Read the full City Pages article by Brad Richason

Dr. Deep and You
Dr. Deep’s lecture can be presented in any large room. The show has been performed at theaters (Dreamland Arts, Mixed Blood, Illusion Theater), art galleries (2001 A Space), yoga studios (IHT Yoga), organic farms (Dreamacres), in office buildings (Ramsey County) and even in people’s homes.

Glass & Lady M. Presented by Full Circle Theater Company

Dates: Aug 1-11, 2019 as a part of the Minnesota Fringe Festival
Location: Dreamland Arts (an Independent Venue for the Fringe)
Tickets: $14
Ages: Recommended for ages 12+.
Duration: 60 minutes. No intermission.

Glass & Lady M.
presented by Full Circle Theater Company
Two Short, Compelling Theater Pieces – One Imaginative Vision
Created by Lindsey Bushnell and Martha B. Johnson
Directed by Martha B. Johnson

Photos: Top right photo from L to R are Alice McGlave, Charla Marie Bailey, Delinda “Oogie” Pushetonequa, and bottom right is Marci Lucht.

Described by its playwright Lindsey Bushnell as “A Feminist Absurdist Play,” Glass is set in a dystopian world where four women are psychologically trapped and controlled behind glass by an unseen Man. Each woman is an archetype–nurturer (Apple Woman), housekeeper (Sweeping Woman), mother (Rocking Woman), and woman obsessed with body image (Too Woman)–and each has her own views of escape. Glass tackles gender, economic, and societal issues faced by women throughout the centuries.

Lady M.
Conceived by Martha B. Johnson, Lady M. is a reimagining of Lady Macbeth’s iconic sleepwalking scene (“Out, damned spot”) from Shakespeare’s Macbeth. Using mythical and ritualistic theatrical techniques, this piece re-envisions Lady Macbeth’s profound remorse and guilt as a wake-up call for America to similarly acknowledge the problematic nature of American history, and to feel the humanizing power of remorse.

Full Circle Theater Company‘s mission is to produce heartfelt, groundbreaking theater that artfully addresses issues of diversity and social justice for 21st-century audiences.


M-SHE Productions Youth Performance

Date: Fri-Sat, June 21-22, 2019 at 8:00 p.m.
Tickets: $10
Ages: All ages
Duration: 60 minutes. No intermission.

M-SHE Productions presents
Youth Theatrical Workshops & Performances of “American Dream”

Come rock out with us as we celebrate the hard work our youth performers have put in. They have spent a week in an intense environment, learning their show material and developing captivating characters. We are excited to have 2 casts this season. The workshops and performances give them a chance to see what it is like to be a professional dancer and the demands that can entail. We are diving head first into Green Day’s Broadway Musical, “American Idiot.” While looking for the meaning of life and trying to find their freedom, these hardcore dancers just might find out that what they were looking for was there in the first place.

M-SHE Productions is the creation of the husband and wife duo, Maggie Hoadley-Edwards-Culp and Parker Culp. With the eye and soul for all things artistic, M-SHE Productions, provides choreography, instruction, direction, music mixes, recording studio needs, and performers for dance, music, and photography.