Category Archives: Workshop

Old Year’s Resolution Improv Gathering

Date: Mon, Dec 17, 2018 from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.
Tickets: Pay What You Wish (at the door)
Ages: Ages 18+
Registration: Email Jim Robinson to register

Old Year’s Resolution Improv Gathering
an introductory improv event with Jim Robinson (Photo: Linda Peterson, U of M)

Put the old year behind you and get a jump on the new one with this fun, stress-free introductory improv event. Take that risk you meant to take last January! Have fun with like-minded brave souls! Experience the ways improvisation can make you more willing to leap into the unknown and ENJOY being there. January will be here soon enough; let’s see what we can resolve in December.

Jim Robinson has dual careers in psychology and improvisation. He is a veteran of the Brave New Workshop and of the St. Kate’s/St. Thomas psychology departments. Jim recently taught his course “Improvisation and Mental Health” as a Fulbright Specialist in Pakistan.